What Weekly Magazine 2010-2017
We launched a hyper-local online arts and culture magazine called What Weekly. According to The Guardian, What Weekly had its “fingers on the pulse of all things hot and creative in Baltimore.”
The magazine won several local awards, threw a lot of good parties, and was a creative outlet for all involved.
Baltimore Magazine said about What Weekly: “The online mag's tagline is ‘Documenting the Baltimore renaissance,’ and few outlets do it as well as What Weekly, which launched last year. Covering broad stretches of the city's arts and cultural scenes, from the Transmodern Festival to the recent Scapescape, its dispatches are filled with lush photos and frontline accounts from events that are often overlooked by mainstream media. While many of us are quietly proud of Baltimore's reputation as a home for experimental artists and musicians, What Weekly is giving them a broader voice.”
Over seven years (2010-2017), What Weekly rallied hundreds of contributors who artfully crafted thousands of original stories that were designed to uplift the community. We published a new edition every week and our stories were read by hundreds of thousands of people in over 200 countries around the world.
*Photography and art below by Philip Laubner, Theresa Keil, Larry Cohen, Lee Boot, David London, Kelly Louise Barton, Mike Oswald, Tedd Henn, Brooke Hall Allen, and others.
Press & Awards
Feature Story in Baltimore City Paper, Aug 2010
Named “Best New Magazine” by Baltimore Magazine, August 2011
Voted #3 “Best Baltimore-based Website” by Baltimore City Paper’s Readers Poll, September 2011
Featured in Huffington Post, 2012
Named Adobe Behance 99U Conference Fellow, 2012
Featured in The Guardian, 2013
Featured in New York Magazine, 2013
Voted “Best ‘Zine” by Baltimore Magazine, 2013
The Guardian said What Weekly is the “best blog for travelers… with their fingers on the pulse of all things hot and creative in Charm City.”
New York Magazine said What Weekly was “rated the city’s best new magazine.”
Baltimore Magazine honored us with numerous ‘Best Of’ awards.
Organized many parties and one-of-a-kind events.
Hosted regular Open Editorial meetings that were open to the public to pitch story ideas.
What Weekly’s Wikipedia page.
What Weekly’s Facebook page.
What Weekly’s Flickr page.

More photos and videos below.
Celebrating civic pride for Baltimore
After moving to Baltimore and getting heavily involved in the creative and entrepreneurial community, Justin and Brooke wanted to create an antidote to the overwhelmingly negative media coverage of Baltimore City.
Our experience as creatives in the community was quite different than what we read online about the city. While Baltimore faces many challenges, the outward perception of the city does not match the experience of many people who live there.
We noticed that mainstream media was overlooking an emerging movement to revitalize the city. We decided we wanted to rally the folks who were creating solutions and innovations for Baltimore in an effort to promote the health and success of the city.
A New Magazine Documenting the Baltimore Renaissance
We launched What Weekly Magazine as a self-initiated, self-funded project in 2010. As an online publication, What Weekly worked to expand Baltimore’s narrative by focusing on the positive stories and remarkable artists, entrepreneurs and innovators who live in Baltimore.
We were able to build momentum by developing an authentic mission that inspired residents to contribute their stories, images, and art for publication. Every week, for seven years, we distributed spectacular and engaging original content that showed the city in a new light.
One of the goals was to have an impact on recruitment and retainment of residents, talent, and businesses in order to help Baltimore fulfill its potential. But the primary motivation was to build something beautiful each week that inspired the people of our community.
Rallying a Movement
Over seven years, What Weekly rallied and organized hundreds of local contributors and published thousands of stories about Baltimore that were read by hundreds of thousands of people around the globe.
Many stories that were originated by What Weekly were then picked up by mainstream and alternative media outlets.
‘Best of Baltimore’ Awards and Coverage
What Weekly was named “Best New Magazine” by Baltimore Magazine twice and was featured in national and international publications such as The Guardian, New York Magazine, Huffington Post and others. The Guardian has said What Weekly is the “best blog for travelers… with their fingers on the pulse of all things hot and creative in Charm City.”
New York Magazine said What Weekly was “rated the city’s best new magazine.” Baltimore Magazine said “Documenting the city’s renaissance, What Weekly’s collective of artists, entrepreneurs, educators, and writers produce media ‘dedicated to telling the positive stories about Baltimore.’ The mission: ‘to create positive social change by amplifying the good stuff.’ What we really like about What Weekly are the killer images and photography.”
Custom Website Design and Development
What Weekly’s flagship website set the standard for online publications in Baltimore and was widely emulated by competitors. This version of the website was design by Brooke Hall Allen and graciously developed pro bono by Kyle Fritz. Later versions of the website were designed and developed by What Works Studio.
Email and Social Media
What Weekly was conceptualized as an email magazine where the core content was delivered via weekly email and through social media channels.
Original Short Documentary Films and Original Video Content
We distributed original short documentaries produced for What Weekly by Lee Boot, director of the Imaging Research Center at UMBC, and street artist, Nether. Other contributors developed original video content documenting our gatherings.
Curated Event Calendar
One of the problems we were seeking to solve was that there was no curated digital events calendars that were user-friendly in Baltimore. Each week, we researched, curated, and published a list of the best events in the city.
“Best Party of the Year”
As our collective began to grow, we had a strong desire to bring everyone together in real life. Our first public party was The Hoodoo Party – part book release, part jazz jam session, with costumes and outrageous decor. WYPR’s Aaron Henkin said it was “the best party of the year!” The video recap of the Hoodoo party was produced by Shaun Callahan, with photos by Philip Laubner and Theresa Keil. See the event photos.
Crowdfunding Campaign
What Weekly conceptualized and launched a successful crowdfunding campaign to raise $10,000, and once we hit that goal, the amount raised was matched by a foundation for a total of $20,000. The campaign included original videos, a social media campaign, and email marketing.
A group of core contributors got together conceptualized a fun little video for the campaign: A True Baltimore Love Story.
Starring: Justin Allen and Brooke Hall, Directed by: Nancy Murray, Cinematography by: Carr Kizzier, Script by: Nancy Murray, Justin Allen, Philip Laubner, David London, Brooke Hall, Photography: Philip Laubner, Make-up and Wardrobe: Julie Bent, Editing and post-production: Brooke Hall and David London
Total cost of video production: $22
Created by Matt Kelley. What Weekly Indigogo Video
The Fabulous Fritz Ball
In 2012, as a “thank you” to Kyle Fritz for developing our original website for free, we threw a party in his honor at Geppi’s Entertainment Museum. Complete with costumes and a sword swallower, the comic book museum served as a phenomenal backdrop for an unforgettable event. Check out the photos.
We’d like to send a special thank you to our sponsors Geppi’s Entertainment Museum, Flying Dog Brewery, Joe Squared, Christopher Schafer Clothier, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore Art & Music Project, El Suprimo Records, and
What Weekly Rooftop Party
In 2017, we kicked off the summer with The Louie Bar at the top of one of the most iconic skyscrapers in Baltimore: 10 Light. Check out the photos.
What Party: 2000’s Edition
In 2016, What Weekly & Lineup Room Recording Studio took over The Crown with jams from the early 2000’s. Check out the party photos. Additionally, we hosted a number of dance parties at The Crown over the years.
What Weekly’s Afterparty at Light City
In 2016, we hosted the official Light City afterparty. Sponsored by HeidnSeek Entertainment, What Weekly, and Bounce.
What Weekly Summer Session
In 2018, What Weekly threw its farewell party. Check out the party photos.

Love Letters
“What Weekly is one of the great ideas to come out of Baltimore in the last few years.”– Peter Davis
“Finally, a weekly periodical in Baltimore with its finger on the REAL pulse of B-more’s unique burgeoning art/music scene. Everyone should subscribe to What Weekly immediately if they want to be in the real loop.”– Ian Hesford of Telesma
“There is a great new cultural voice in town here in Baltimore....Based on their first two issues, I am betting they are going to quickly become an important voice in Mobtown.”–, Founder/Owner of Author’s Bookshop
“And what an outstanding magazine. Where have I been? I feel like Alice after she stepped through the looking glass – I’m dazzled by what’s on your side of the mirror. Where have I been? How do I subscribe?”– Fred R.
“Your weekly productions have been as fresh, entertaining, and energetic as ever; I’ve been following your stuff and forwarding the site. Your work is very impressive and, I sense, ‘something meaningful.’”– Fred
“Not many people in this city have more pure intent & help artists like Justin & Brooke do.”– Larry Cohen
“What Weekly is what’s happening. It makes Baltimore shine. Always on the mark.”– Fred
“Understates its value. You guys help keep Baltimore the ‘greatest city in America.’”– Brendan Walls
“Thanks for the buzz you are creating for B-more artists and musicians; we definitely needed you to not only get the word out but also make us feel like we’re doing something our city supports and cares about. Plus, the BUZZ is on the street!”– Sahffi, musician
“We love what you do!”– Matthew Leffler-Schulman, Producer, Mobtown Studios
“Cool! I like the idea a lot. You are a rock star.”– Ishita G., Publisher, Fear.less Magazine
“What Weekly looks awesome.”– Nicolas Y., Instructor at Florida State University
“Wow. Such a FAB shot of our Gallery with Celebration. Come visit us at The Patterson again soon. WHAT A SOLID SITE. Thanks for all you do!”– Megan Hamilton, Director of Creative Alliance
“Just wanted to say thanks so much for the awesome article and photos… I’m just catching on to the site and LOVE it.”– Jed Dodds, Artistic Director of Creative Alliance
“Great work with What Weekly. I’ve just come across it recently, and it really fills a need in Baltimore.”– Diana G.
“@whatweekly is a positive force in our Twitter Universe.” - Lisa Edmond
“By the way, the first issue kicks a*% - looks great.”– Brian L.
“I love the issue.”– Philip Laubner, Photographer
“Clever concept... Check it out.”– Bridget Z. S., Towson University Faculty
“Awesome!!!”– Keith Myer
“Great photos, as usual. GREAT COVERAGE of the event. By the way, the What Weekly website looks amazing.”– Joanne Juskus of Telesma
“Fantastic stuff!”– Heather J.
“I love What Weekly. Love it. Love the look, love your content and everything. Very nice. All the best of luck to you.”– Bruce Goldfarb, Publisher and Executive Editor,
“Keep shipping, Brooke. It matters.”– Seth Godin
“This project looks great...and useful!”– Jim Lucio, Visual Arts Coordinator at BOPA
“Awesome photos! Congrats on getting a good thing going with WW.”– T. DeFoe
“I like your spunk and passion for my beloved Crabtown.”– Rafael Alvarez
“The Baltimore WorldWide project looks awesome. Great, great idea!”– Brad Grachowski
“You guys rock! You have the best writing ever! I’m a new fan.”– Miss Joule
The Guardian said What Weekly is the “best blog for travelers… with their fingers on the pulse of all things hot and creative in Charm City.”
New York Magazine said What Weekly was “rated the city’s best new magazine.”
Baltimore Magazine said about What Weekly: “The online mag's tagline is ‘Documenting the Baltimore renaissance,’ and few outlets do it as well as What Weekly, which launched last year. Covering broad stretches of the city's arts and cultural scenes, from the Transmodern Festival to the recent Scapescape, its dispatches are filled with lush photos and frontline accounts from events that are often overlooked by mainstream media. While many of us are quietly proud of Baltimore's reputation as a home for experimental artists and musicians, What Weekly is giving them a broader voice.”
*Photography and art above by Philip Laubner, Theresa Keil, Larry Cohen, Lee Boot, David London, Kelly Louise Barton, Mike Oswald, Tedd Henn, Brooke Hall Allen, and others.