Bmore Gives More
”For a city that so often makes the news for its problems, it’s lovely to see Baltimore getting some press for something 100 percent positive: on Tuesday, Baltimoreans donated more than $5 million to local non-profits (yes, in a single day), making us the most generous city in America.” - The Baltimore Fishbowl
GiveCorps hired What Works Studio as their marketing partner to strategize and implement an extraordinary challenge for Baltimore: To raise $5 Million for local nonprofits in 24 hours and make Baltimore the Most Generous City in America.
The #GivingTuesday campaign was a smashing success. We raised over $5.7 Million for local nonprofits in a single day, with over 300 nonprofit partners and 200 business partners. Bmore Gives More was the first citywide #GivingTuesday campaign in history and was replicated the following year in over 70 other cities. The Bmore Gives More campaign is now in a permanent exhibition about the History of Philanthropy in America at the Smithsonian Institute.
With less than two months to launch the initiative, What Works Studio developed and implemented an integrated marketing campaign that included strategy, creative direction, content marketing, user generated content, social media, email marketing, events and activations, custom website design, and merchandise design.
What Works Studio designed and developed a custom website for bmoregivesmore.com that evolved to accommodate each of the campaign’s three distinct phases.
What Works Studio also created the campaign strategy, email campaigns, social media campaigns, participant toolkits, presentations, infographics, merchandise, T-shirts, postcards, banners, step-and-repeat backdrop, stickers, and more.
Over $5.7 million raised for local nonprofits in 24 hours
300+ nonprofits participated
Campaign replicated in 70+ cities the following year
Campaign morphed into Maryland Gives More, which raised over $9 Million for nonprofits the following year
Permanent exhibit in the Smithsonian Institute about ‘Philanthropy in America’
Featured in dozens of major publications like Forbes and The Chronicle of Philanthropy